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Lifestyle: These 3D illusions made from just pencil and paper will confuse your senses

Optical illusion Howard Lee

Howard Lee went viral for his hyperrealistic drawings of everyday objects. He's back with much simpler illusions, using only a pencil and paper.

  • Howard Lee is a popular artist known for his hyperrealistic depictions of everyday objects.
  • Now he is creating simpler illusions using just pencil and paper.
  • Although simple, there is a mystery to how he pulls off each illusion.

After seriously confusing the internet with his hyperrealistic drawings of everyday objects, artist Howard Lee is back with much simpler — but equally mind-bending — illusions.

The British artist has taken a more minimalist approach to his latest works, using just a pencil and paper to make two-dimensional illusions come to life. These brainteasers seem to leap off the page, proving once again that you can't always believe what you see.

INSIDER spoke to Lee about his latest project to learn a bit more about how it works.

Read more: This artist creates incredible optical illusions using nothing but humans and body paint that will make you do a double take

He said the purpose of these new illusions is to "provoke questioning and discussion." And that's just what he did when he turned a piece of paper into a descending staircase. Take a look.

In the video, Lee purposefully shows how he made the paper into a staircase but does not explain how the ball disappears into the paper.

"Some people are sure they know exactly how it's done and they just enjoy it, some people can't really decide what's going on," he said. "Just as a magician I'd like to leave it for people to make their own minds up."

He doesn't explain how the ball disappears into this paper's black hole, either.

He does explain, though, that his illusions are a combination of two principles.

"Some artists draw anamorphic perspective tricks and others conjure up a sort of video magic," he said. "I guess I just decided to combine the two."

The floating ball illusion is a great example of how he uses perspective to trick audiences.

While it may be confusing for the internet, Lee said the illusions actually quite simple to make — especially compared to his "which is real" drawings.

"The beauty of these is that the drawing is so simple," he said. "Sometimes that element only takes 15 minutes or so. However, developing the concept, filming, and putting it all together does take longer."

The concept for the hand illusion, for example, took a great deal of time to conceptualize.

Although he's fairly new to this type of artistry, it doesn't stop him from defying dimensions — like this matchbox car drawing.

"I'd been looking to vary my online content for some time, and this seemed to make sense published alongside the work that my audience has come to expect," he told INSIDER.

While he is doing what is expected of him, each new piece still has an element of surprise for the audience.

"You shouldn't trust your eyes, nor can you really believe what you see online," Lee said. "Very little is really as it seems."

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Lifestyle: These 3D illusions made from just pencil and paper will confuse your senses