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Thursday 1 February 2018

Ethics In Society: Family and the 21st century dilemma

Traditional African family unit

The family of today has been thrown into a state of dilemma, but it still lives in a state of denial.

There is an issue that has befallen the family in this very century; it has lingered for long and it has received the least attention in the society.

The family of today has been thrown into a state of dilemma, but it still lives in a state of denial. One cannot overlook the fact that kids of today are turning into something else and this could go a long way in destroying the hopes of tomorrow. There is a great issue of negligence on the part of parents, but the wind of survival seems to have taken its place in families, therefore, destroying the ethics which it was formerly built upon.

Paternal Decline.

It is obvious that in the past few years, there has been a decline in the activities of men folk in their homes and society. Men have degenerated from their office place to sit comfortably in the other room, while women run multinationals, and obviously are the pillars of their family. On the other hand, the idea of feminism and the slogans: wonder women, giant on heels, women are taking over, and so much more are hawked all over the air, social media, and right inside our homes.


Feminist advances

Taking a step back, it could be agreed that the society was formerly fashioned in such a way that there were duties assigned to each person, although it could be agreed that at a point, there came this imbalance that led to maltreatment of women which still takes place till date. But a step farther back will show women being held in high esteem in the various communities; they championed their course through their different social groups and units.

It is as a result of this battering by men, made families and culture porous and vulnerable to the poisoning of the society through the feminist ideology, concocted by the said Western thinkers. The said ideology is now being stretched beyond its boundaries, leading to wrecking of homes, society and the rational mind.

Women are indeed taking over, but where and how? It is obvious that the men folk, to their greatest nightmare, have been swept off their feet, and under the carpet by women who mean business in and out of the cooperate world. Women have been discovered to compete with men, in and outside offices, as business women. It is said that when a woman means business, she puts both her body and soul to work.


Which way Africa?

Africa is hoisted upon its culture and tradition, but it seems that a lot of its ethics are being watered as the years go by; this is vivid with the activities of the younger generations. The question usually asked could come in different forms: where could this thief of a child come from, why is the boy so rude, why can’t my child pass her exams, or where could she have learnt to dress like a whore.

There is only one answer to these misguided questions: where were their parents all these while. There is another slogan which must not be over looked: the 21 century woman and the working mother or even the 21 century parents. Most western society go through the pains of encouraging women to work, pay unemployed mothers and encourage women to take turns at work; it is because they know how depressing it could be to stay idle.

Strange homes.

Unfortunately, it is not the case in Nigeria, where both parents are barely known by their children. It is too obvious that due to the condition of the country, women have abandoned their children for the boardroom or making money. These children are as good as orphans because they grow up under the tutelage of a nanny who does not know her left from her right. They are not being monitored or guided; they have so many questions to ask, but end up asking the wrong person.

On the other hand, these children grow up to be misguided youths and adults who never discovered themselves; they struggle with personality issues, complex problems, and they lack sense of belonging. Some of these children are abandoned in school till late hours; they end up as victims of abuse and abductors. There is a serious problem with child obesity in Nigeria, because of the inability of most parents to monitor what their child eats.

The main unit of the society is the family: the child has role models in place which would fashion his growth, development, and he is offered all the good privileges of life. This is no longer the case, since parents now choose money over their child’s welfare. The highest sacrifice a parent can offer a child is attention, but parents are too glued to their phones to help their kids with their assignments or answer a bothering question.

These children suffer rejection, and on the other hand, end up in the wrong peer groups. Parents ought to be their kid’s best friend, unconditionally. It is because of this neglect that schools or examination institutions record mass failure after exams, cultism, and social vices. There is the multiplication of lesson centers or home tutors. These children are not after anything, but in pursuit of self discovery which their parents have failed to help them out with.


Africa as a whole is becoming more swallowed up by the craze of religion and churchianism, and as a result, some parents pay more attention to their pastors or church activities than their children. A parent’s first call of duty is their children. Due to over religiosity, some parents don’t teach their adolescents or teens about reproduction and the conditions of growing up, and as a result, most social vices recorded are from the church. It is time parents get back to being parents, and not money chasers.  

It is not about giving your child the best comfort: the best ride, the most expensive school or even the world, it is about spending quality time with them.

Written by Udemezue, Oluoma.

Udemezue, Oluoma loves to read and write; she also enjoys movies and meeting new people. Oluoma believes that life is nothing without a little touch of romance, thriller and reality. Contact: udemezueoluoma@yahoo.com, Instagram- oluomaudemezue, and Twitter- @Udemezueoluoma.

Ethics In Society: Family and the 21st century dilemma