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Monday 31 December 2018

How I slept with the girl next door Part 1 {R-18+}

<p class="">She then jumped up, put her arms around me and began kissing me, thrusting her tongue into my mouth so quickly.</p>

<p class="">I was going to a school not too far from home and also dating a girl that lives about an hour away, but that had just ended as I found out she had been cheating on me after finding condom wrappers in her room that weren’t from the ones I bought.</p>

<p class="">There was this house behind mine where this beautiful girl I had grown up with for years lived. Bimpe had moved in with her family several years ago, and we were great friends from secondary school. </p>

<p class="">I taught her math and science all through secondary school and we spent hours at the kitchen table studying. After secondary school she went away to a school 4 hours away but we always hung out with groups of friends.  </p>

<p class="">While at the University, we usually chatted once or twice a week on Whatsapp. She had a steady boyfriend that she met during orientation and I thought she would end up marrying him, and that was fine, as we were friends.</p>

<p class="">She came home for the break in early May, and we had gone out with our old secondary school squad a few times, especially now that most of us were 21.  </p>

<p class="">So, one warm night in late July, about say 10:00pm I was on reading messages on Whatsapp at home, and Bimpe sent me a message asking what I was up to, and told her nothing, and asked if I wanted to go to a nearby club, to which I agreed. </p>

<p class="">I got a quick shower, put on some clean jeans and a nice collared shirt. So I got in my car and picked up Bimpe. </p>

<p class=""> She came out wearing a strapless top and a short skirt. I have to say, she looked quite amazing. I asked her if anyone else wanted to go and she said no. So off to the club we went.  </p>

<p class="">We got there in about 45 minutes and we waited in line for another 20 to be searched by the security guys. While waiting, I asked her how things were with her boyfriend and she told me they had split up. I asked why and she told me he cheated on her when she walked in on him with another girl. </p>

<p class="">I told her how sorry I was and she told me it’s alright, since it’s for the better. I told her my relationship had ended too, and she felt sorry as well. We went into the club and I asked her if she wanted a drink, and I got us some drinks. We spent the next few hours catching up and doing some dancing and drinking.  </p>

<p class="">Then we both got a little tipsy, so I told her I needed to sober up for the road, and she had a few more. We were just dancing and having a good time, and found each other doing a bit of grinding on the floor. Admittedly, I was getting quite aroused and wondered if she could tell, even through my jeans. Around midnight, we decided to hit the road. I asked if she wanted to go anywhere else and she said nah, but if you wanna come watch a movie or something, let’s do that.  </p>

<p class="">We got out of the car and realized how warm it still was, and I suggested we go swimming a bit at my house, and she agreed and ran home to put on her swimsuit. I changed and she came back, and for some reason, she looked even sexier and filled out her top quite nicely. I threw her in and jumped in after her, and we just played around a bit in the pool. When I grabbed her, I think she could tell I was getting quite aroused at her, to which she began to tease by playing with her top more and more.  </p>

<p class="">Finally, Bimpe commented on it and I just told her flat out <em>"from the moment I saw you, I thought you were the sexiest thing alive. I can’t believe someone would cheat on you!"</em> She then jumped up, put her arms around me and began kissing me, thrusting her tongue into my mouth so quickly.</p>

<p class=""><em>To be continued…</em></p>
How I slept with the girl next door Part 1 {R-18+}