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Tuesday, 15 November 2016

5 Apps That Make Better Phone Calls than Your Phone App, for Free, and Your Phone Probably ...

5 Apps That Make Better Phone Calls than Your Phone App, for Free, and Your Phone ... We're willing to bet iPhone users don't know about this app.

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BlackBerry keyboard phone soon on its way to launch

The floundering Canadian handset maker has decided it's time for yet another BlackBerry keyboard phone. This announcement follows closely on the ...

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WhatsApp to Stop Working on Older iOS and BlackBerry Versions

... support anymore, and they are the Nokia S40, Nokia Symbian S60, iPhone 3GS/iOS6, Windows Phone 7.1 and BlackBerry OS and BlackBerry 10.

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Never say die: Another BlackBerry smartphone is on the way

BlackBerry smartphones aren't a thing of the past just yet. ... BlackBerry has provided no additional details about the upcoming phone or its release ...

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Google Android - What Is It?

The Android operating system was originally going to power a device similar to Research In Motion's Blackberry. But as it was being developed, the ...

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BerryFlow Upstream Podcast - Cyber

Also on the topic list is BlackBerry's new partnership in India with Optiemus ... and BlackBerry's plan to release one more in-house QWERTY phone.

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BlackBerry Confirms New Physical Keyboard Phone is Coming

A Blackberry cell phone is seen on November 4, 2013 in Miami, Florida. (Photo ... BlackBerry chief executive officer John Chen confirmed in a recent ...

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Lyft is replacing the pink mustache with a psychedelic dash display that knows your name

Yes that's right, the Amp will know your name because your driver knows your name and his or her phone is connected to the device. It has an ...

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Lyft Ditches Its Iconic Pink Mustache to Help You Find Your Ride Faster

If your driver's Amp is glowing green, your app will let you know—then give you the option to turn your phone's screen a matching hue, which you can ...

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Quick way to solve any math problem using your phone's camera

Calculators made it easier, but you still had to know all of the steps, enter in the equation and get things in the right order. Then after all of your tedious ...

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What your phone's surface reveals about your lifestyle

What your phone's surface reveals about your lifestyle ... Molecular traces left on cell phones can tell researchers everything from what you had for ...

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Samsung Galaxy S8: Everything we know so far about Samsung's 2017 rebound phone

Samsung has tumbled -- exploding Galaxy Note 7 phones precipitated the company's ... And Samsung has the power to make a truly great phone. ... one case for having more pixels on your phone than you might have on your TV.

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Do your kids know what to do in an emergency?

Connor waited outside for the ambulance to arrive while Eli stayed on the phone with dispatch and kept a close eye on his grandpa. “They did a great ...

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Android System Info - Know Your Android

I am sure you all would like to know what is happening "inside" your Android phones. That is where Android System Info comes out – free application ...

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Apps for Communicating and Organizing in the Age of Trump

We know that the National Security Agency (NSA) collects data on who you talk ... It sends a code to your phone, which you type with your password on your computer. ... This is the single biggest thing to do to improve your security.

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Smart Spray Paint Technology SprayPrinter lets you spray paint images from your phone. It knows ...

SprayPrinter is the smart spray paint technology that lets your spray can do the ... Your phone tracks every movement of the printer and knows its exact ...

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4 Ways to Make Your Landing Page Experience More Relevant

Although you don't want to clutter your page with unnecessary, distracting information, listing a phone number so that prospects know your business is ...

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FIVE Points on The OnePlus 4: Specs, New Features & Release Date

OnePlus needs to be able to answer these questions if it is to grow and prosper because regardless of your preferences the Android space is still very ...

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Samsung Galaxy S8 Specs & Features Rumours: 4K Display, EPIC Design & Viv Digital Assistant

Phone companies are creatures of habit, and the bigger they are, the more .... Lord knows it needs them too, after the Galaxy Note 7 disaster. ... are gains when you're staring directly into a phone dangled inches from your eyeballs.

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A New Version of The OnePlus 3 is COMING: Snapdragon 821, OLED Display, 6GB of RAM

Here's EVERYTHING you need to know -- release date, specs, price ... up a OnePlus 3 in the UK you had to do so by buying the phone straight up, SIM-free .... OnePlus describes the new colour variant as not "your typical gaudy gold ...

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Hands off your mobile: undercover with Sergeant Chris Harris

“If your mobile phone goes off, there's this behaviour that you need to check it immediately. It's like Pavlov's dog: we hear the phone ring and we're ...

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iPhone 8 or iPhone X? Apple's 2017 iPhone Release Sounds EPIC

We don't know whether Apple's OLED iPhones will be a hit, but if Apple doesn't walk down this path and transform itself, there will be no innovation," ...

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Sony PS4 Review: Prices SLASHED To £219 As Pro Model Lands

If your internet connection can handle it, there are times when it's virtually ... At the moment it's currently only available in the black but we know the ...

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FIVE Points on The OnePlus 4: Specs, New Features & Release Date

OnePlus needs to be able to answer these questions if it is to grow and prosper because regardless of your preferences the Android space is still very ...

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OnePlus 4 Specs LEAK Big Time! 8GB RAM, Dual-Camera, 4000mAh Battery

We've speculated on the possible specs of a OnePlus 4 in a previous article, but now there's actually evidence circulating in the rumour mill that the ...

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10 Reasons Why EVERYBODY Should Use A VPN

Know Your Mobile ... Anonymity: VPNs keep all your online activity and communications secure, along with your ... Netflix in the US, in case you didn't know, is VASTLY superior to what we have here in the UK. ... A VPN would make it much harder for your ISP to see you are the one downloading torrents.

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10 AWESOME Chromecast Alternatives: Apple TV, Roku & More...

... part, upgrade your HDTV at all — unless you're dying to get a 4K monster. ... Here are 10 alternatives to the Google Chromecast worth checking out.

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Samsung Galaxy S8 Specs & Features Rumours: 4K Display, EPIC Design & Viv Digital Assistant

Lord knows it needs them too, after the Galaxy Note 7 disaster. ... “Samsung Pay has already proven to be one of the most successful mobile ... are gains when you're staring directly into a phone dangled inches from your eyeballs.

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Red Dead Redemption 2 Release Date CONFIRMED For 2017

If that picture of silhouetted shapes on the horizon wearing obvious cowboy hats doesn't scream "Western" then I don't know what else does.

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Using your mobile phone while driving: What are the rules?

But how well do you know the law when it comes to making a call in your car? We all know you cannot make a call when driving, but it is a little more ...

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Monday, 14 November 2016

Top Stories: Fitbit Inc. (NYSE:FIT), Hanwha Q CELLS Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ:HQCL), BlackBerry Ltd ...

“We have one keyboard phone I promised people. It's coming,” Chen told Bloomberg TV. GSMArena reported in June that the last BlackBerry phone to ...

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BlackBerry Phones 2016 Latest News & Update: CEO John Chen Promises One Last Keypad ...

BlackBerry announces one last treat for loyal keypad fans. The former market giant will release one last keypad phone before completely closing up its ...

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Physical keyboard for Windows 10 Mobile phones in development

The handset will come with touch support and a physical keyboard. ... For example, the BlackBerry Q10 was released with similar mentioned features, ...

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Blackberry Bold WithQWERTY Not Out Of The Picture Yet

He also added that the new phone will not be like the DTEK50 and the DTEK60 that Blackberry has offered recently which are rebranded Alcatel ...

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BlackBerry is throwing one more Hail Mary pass hoping to score

BlackBerry was very firm when it came to their mobile path back when the iPhone and Android devices started gaining steam. The company held firm ...

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10 reasons the BlackBerry DTEK60 is good for business

After a couple of weeks with the new BlackBerry DTEK60, see my full review, ... I'm using the default BlackBerry device search, phone dialer, and Hub ...

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Android, BlackBerry and Windows Phone 7 Smartphone and Operating System Comparison

The Smartphone's in question include the HTC 7 Mozart (a Windows Phone 7 Smartphone), the BlackBerry Torch 9800 (which runs on the BlackBerry ...

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The Original BlackBerry – One Last Time

Mercury. Rome. No, these are not the names of a movie character. These are the (potential) names of the newest BlackBerry phone. And guess what ...

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OnePlus 3T Confirmed By Qualcomm: Snapdragon 821, OLED Display, Coming November 15

Stay tuned." OnePlus itself has since taken to Twitter to post a teaser video for its forthcoming phone - confirming the launch date as November 15.

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OnePlus 3T Confirmed By Qualcomm: Snapdragon 821, OLED Display, Coming November 15

UPDATE: It has now been confirmed that OnePlus will be releasing a more powerful version of its OnePlus 3 handset, likely called the OnePlus 3T, ...

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PS4 Pro: The Best UK Deals – GAME, Amazon & Argos

... which utilises storage cards for games rather than DVD/CD disks or cartridges - this sits in a dock which connects up to your TV for home gaming.

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Jio call with blackberry 10

Jio call with blackberry 10. ... 10 of 10 I've not Sideloaded How can I use the Reliance Jio 4G sim with my BlackBerry Q10 Phone?

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BlackBerry DTEK60 LATEST Update: DTEK60 BETTER than iPhone 7, Confirmed? [DETAILS HERE]

BlackBerry DTEK60 has been considered a strong and powerful phone, enough to go head to head with its competition. Among its toughest is iPhone ...

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What parents should know about the VR gear kids want

Each pack includes insertable picture reels (your phone provides the horsepower). Works with most smartphones and specially designed View-Master ...

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New BlackBerry Smartphone With QWERTY Keyboard On The Way

The device is rumored to come with a 2GHz octa core Snapdragon processor and will also feature 3GB of RAM and 32GB of storage. The handset will ...

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BlackBerry's New come back by Keyboard comfort

After a long time disappearance from the scene, Black Berry aims to integrate the keyboard use in smart phones.Despite the presence of too many ...

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BlackBerry Keyboard Phone Promised To Come: Can It Rise Among The Upcoming Generation Of ...

Blackberry CEO John Chen announced that a new Blackberry device is in the pipeline. Aside from the confirmed physical keyboard, there is very little ...

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BlackBerry DTEK50, DTEK60 News & Update: Tech-Giant Back With Its World's Most Secure ...

The specs of BlackBerry DTEK50 and BlackBerry DTEK60 are quite impressive considering that the devices are competing with other available ...

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Cobalt blackberry android apk 2016

Buy apps, books, music or movies directly from your Blackberry device Install com. User Cobalt Cobalt Icon Pack 7. 01-16-2016 ...

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BlackBerry Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY) Plans one last hurrah

BlackBerry Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY) has made it official. It has stopped making its own mobile phones – except for one last hurrah. The company will have ...

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Here's Why You Shouldn't Sleep With Your Phone

But Apple's charging just doesn't have the juice to heat up a phone to ... Similarly, cheap cables — you know, the kind that you can buy five off eBay for ...

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BlackBerry's keyboard is coming back for one last dance

BlackBerry has officially stopped making its own phones, but the company has one last treat for die-hard fans: a new phone sporting its trademark ...

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Uc browser blackberry z3

There are practically more browsers for Blackberry phones than there are phone models Hi, here we provide you APK file of "UC Browser HD for ...

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BlackBerry confirms release of its last keyboard smartphone in Android 7.0 Nougat

GSMArena reported in June that the last BlackBerry phone to be released would run Android 7.0 Nougat instead of BlackBerry 10 OS. Its features ...

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BlackBerry says one more physical keyboard phone is coming

It's probably the signature feature of the BlackBerry. Throughout its nearly two-decades history of making mobile phones, the Blackberry keyboard has ...

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Blackberry Plans one last hurrah

BlackBerry has made it official. It has stopped making its own mobile phones – except for one last hurrah. The company will have one final handset for ...

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5 Great Calendar Apps for Android

However, those who don't have a BlackBerry device can use the application free for 30 days, but after that the app will start displaying ads. To remove ...

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Top Smartphones with QWERTY Physical Keyboard Listed

The BlackBerry Priv is the company's flagship device. It is much alike any standard touchscreen phone within a flip or slide-out style phone. Whenever ...

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BlackBerry will release one last phone with physical keyboard

In an interview with Bloomberg, Chen said the DTEK60 is not the last Blackberry phone. There will be another one. Maybe be the last in-house- phone ...

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Rs. 2000 Note GPS Tracking Rumours, BlackBerry's Android Phones in India, and More News This ...

Described by BlackBerry as the most secure Android smartphones in the world, the two devices are priced at Rs. 21,990 and Rs. 46,990 respectively, ...

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CEO Confirms Final BlackBerry-Designed PKB Phone in the Works

Despite talk that BlackBerry is ending the design and manufacture of its phones, their CEO John Chen has confirmed that it has one final in-house ...

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Microsoft Surface Phone Will Face Off Against an All-New BlackBerry

BlackBerry Ltd.'s upcoming and final device is probably going to make a huge statement. The Canadian tech major has long confirmed that it's saying ...

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Do physical keyboards still have a place in the smartphone industry?

The phone has been given the codename “BlackBerry Mercury”, and unlike the Priv, it's speculated that this smartphone will feature the classic ...

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This One Feature Will Help Microsoft Surface Phone Trump the iPhone

Starting from Apple's iPhones on iOS, moving on to all the different shades of Android devices, and down to the almost dead Blackberry devices ...

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BlackBerry Tries Its Luck Again, To Announce Smartphone With Keyboard Soon

The new keyboard phone will either be made by a company in India or China, but BlackBerry did not mention any names, according to PhoneArena.

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BlackBerry To launch A Smartphone Code Named Mercury: With Physical Keyboard

CHICAGO - FEBRUARY 24: A BlackBerry user demonstrates one of the company's devices February 24, 2006 in Chicago, Illinois. Research in Motion ...

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Report: BlackBerry is Not Yet Done with Physical Keyboard Smartphones

BlackBerry has been busy with rolling out new devices in the recent past, with the DTEK50 and DTEK60 highlighting the period. However, it is only last ...

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BlackBerry to launch another keyboard smartphone, CEO confirms

This is good news for those people who still cannot give up their brick BlackBerry devices. Yup, we still know people who don't want to ditch their ...

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BlackBerry Priv Successor In The Works? CEO Confirms Company Working On Smartphone With ...

Just recently, BlackBerry CEO John Chen spoke with Bloomberg TV's Emily Chang to reveal that company is releasing another handset with a ...

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The BlackBerry DTEK60: Yes You Can Fall in Love with a BlackBerry Again

BlackBerry users—who, after all, are professionals working in secure areas—often feel phone envy. While, historically, their phones have been secure ...

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Google Pixel XL vs Samsung Galaxy S7 EDGE: Who's The King of The Android Space Now?

So how does the Pixel phone compare to Samsung's best? We aim to find out. Oh, and as a side note, we're talking about the Galaxy S7 EDGE here, ...

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Advice And Tips For Getting The Most From Your iPhone

If your iPhone uses the iOS4 platform, you may find that running more than one app will drastically slow down the phone's performance. Double-tap ...

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Apple Support app starts rolling out to the App Store

The app will know all of the Apple products you have registered, so if you know your phone only as an iPhone, the app will tell you whether it is an ...

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Would You Purchase an Updated Variant of Your Current Phone?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below! .... I have never seen a more fragile phone in my life, and never had a phone break/damage in any ...

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A 10-Digit Key Code to Your Private Life: Your Cellphone Number

“With just your cellphone number and name, I know they can get all sorts of ... to borrow or buy is indeed the same person who owns the phone with that number. ... One of Sideline's ad mottos is: “Keep your personal number private.

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BlackBerry might not be done with keyboard phones just yet!

BlackBerry is recognised as the device maker who dawned and popularised the era of smartphones but lost its own way in the long run. Even after ...

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Did Facebook tell your friends that you had died?

The error on Friday caused the social network to show a memorial banner on user profiles for people who were still alive. Users posted status updates ...

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BlackBerry is bringing QWERTY keyboard phone for one last time

The development of BlackBerry-branded smartphones will be left to BlackBerry's partners, which will license BlackBerry's technology and brand.

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Health Alert: Did you know your child may be losing sleep because of their smartphone?

WASHINGTON (WUSA9) - Parents, did you know your child may be losing ... About two-thirds of high schoolers sleep next to a phone or tablet, with ...

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The next BlackBerry Mercury to Boast a Physical Keyboard

The next BlackBerry Mercury to Boast a Physical Keyboard ... It would have been nice to know at least the form-factor of the device, whether it's going ...

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Saturday, 12 November 2016

Graham Cluley on Jenny Radcliffe's new podcast, 'The Human Factor'

Jenny is also a fascinating public speaker as anybody who has ever seen her give one of her entertaining and eye-opening talks will know. I was ...

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A Guide To Using Your iPhone Efficiently

The iPhone is far more powerful than an ordinary phone, but you may not know everything about this device. To get the most from using your iPhone, ...

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Making Your Mobile App Your New 'Employee of the Month'

That's why the mobile app is the new loyalty card – and more. ... Make sure that when a consumer does this it is YOUR app that they check, and not a ...

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Where's what you need to know now about your Obamacare coverage

Insurance agents help sign people up for insurance through the Covered California exchange at their storefront on Beach Boulevard in Huntington ...

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Friday, 11 November 2016

This $6 smartphone stand will help avoid your phone from getting all scratched up

Hate fumbling around looking for your smartphone in that mess you call a desk? This $6 smartphone stand will change everything.

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Samsung Galaxy X: The Future of Mobile Design COMING 2017

Amongst other things, expect the two form factors to merge; tablets as we know them will probably disappear in favour of phones which unfold into ...

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Samsung Galaxy X: The Future of Mobile Design COMING 2017

Amongst other things, expect the two form factors to merge; tablets as we know them will probably disappear in favour of phones which unfold into ...

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Know your nutritional status

Know your nutritional status ... There are smart phone applications that would only require that you enter your weight, then your BMI gets calculated.

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Why a travel-enforced digital detox always starts with horror

It won't be long before you can promptly resuscitate your lifeless phone. Soon, you tell yourself, soon you will be able to catch up with all those ...

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UNDP to launch a new 'green' mobile application in Kazakhstan

ASTANA (TCA) — A new mobile application "Know your carbon footprint" will be launched on November 15 in Kazakhstan to enhance the rational use ...

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WhatsApp Introduces two Step Verification to Strengthen the Security

By adding the 6 digit code, your account will be registered on your phone ... No one else can access your account by any mean, unless he/she know ...

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What Gov't Wants From Your Phone

You're being watched online and tracked through your phone. You already knew that. But did you know how much? In 2010, Google was the first tech ...

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Although, you may find joy, entertainment, and peace with your phone by your side, it may be time to end the relationship. Not completely, but there ...

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Better Business Bureau offers tips for shopping safely online; know your rights

If a consumer receives such an email, BBB recommends picking up the phone and calling the retailer you dealt with or your credit card provider to get ...

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Five apps you need to know: Yik Yak

"If you send a picture through your phone, a lot of the websites will delete the data, but there's data in that picture,” said Detective Jeff Williams with ...

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BlackBerry CEO confirms new keyboard phone is coming

BlackBerry CEO John Chen has confirmed his company is coming out with a new keyboard phone in a Bloomberg TV interview. “We have one ...

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BlackBerry's Keyboard Is Coming Back for One Last Dance

BlackBerry Ltd. has officially stopped making its own phones, but the company has one last treat for die-hard fans: a new phone sporting its trademark ...

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John Chen discusses Trump election and BlackBerry's plan to release one more in-house ...

John Chen discusses Trump election and BlackBerry's plan to release one more in-house QWERTY phone. By Bla1ze Thursday, Nov 10, 2016 at 5:01 ...

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Thursday, 10 November 2016

A New Spin on Old Communication: Apps You Need to Know About

As you prepare to step into the world of business — especially if you plan to start your own business – a professional phone service can make an ...

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BlackBerry DTEK60 review

It's on the back of the phone below the camera, where BlackBerry claims (as do other manufacturers) that your finger naturally falls when you pick up ...

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